Road sign in Los Angeles, California, USA

Have you been to Los Angeles? If not, buckle up, because you're about to embark on a historical joyride through the City of Angels, a place where history is as golden as its iconic beaches. Founded by 44 settlers on September 4, 1781, this city was originally called "El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles de Porciúncula," a mouthful even for the locals! Through the 19th century, the city was a hub for Mexicans, Indigenous people, and Europeans, blooming with the glitz and glam we associate with Hollywood today. The 20th century saw a silver screen revolution, parachuting the city into global fame as the epicenter of the entertainment industry. Learn more about its wild west roots and Tinseltown transformation in the History of Los Angeles.
Culturally, Los Angeles is like the ultimate smoothie of civilization – just jam-packed with flavors from around the globe! When you're in the city, it's as if the world has converged in one rebellious melting pot. This makes it the perfect stage for various cultural festivals like the unique and colorful Day of the Dead celebrations and the mesmerizing, light-fueled Chinatown Summer Nights events. And let’s not forget about LA’s dynamic street art scene, where entire walls become canvases for local and international artists, showcasing a spectacular blend of voices and visions. Everywhere you turn in LA, there’s bound to be a quirky story waiting to be discovered, each more colorful than the last!
Geographically, Los Angeles is like the thrift shop of terrains – a bit of everything under one sprawling roof! Cozy up to the comforting embrace of the Santa Monica Mountains, or bask in the literal spotlight of the LA Basin. This endearing mish-mash of land features has given rise to a climate more varied than tile patterns in a grandparent’s bathroom. With each twist and turn of the famously snaking Mulholland Drive, you'll encounter a new vista to wow your now perpetually sun-glassed eyes. Whether you're diving into wave-kissed beaches or ambling in smog-tinted valleys, LA serves up a cornucopia of adventures to explore, each land parcel trotting out its geography with a distinctive California flair.
Show Reviews
Jane Doe
Jane Doe


This place is amazing! The food was fantastic and the culture was so rich. Highly recommend visiting...